Step 2: Preparation


Runbooks define workflows, provide direction, ensure accuracy, and inform future development.

They may seem tedious and you'd be inclined to just jump in to make changes to your operations, but once you sit down to start writing a runbook, you'll quickly see how this simple idea could save your company from embarrassments, financial loss, or even litigation. At the very least, it'll save stress during execution of work.

A well written runbook is such that it could be executed by someone other than the writer of the runbook. That's where we come in. To execute your runbooks during hours which you'd rather not have to work, have too many of your staff up late at night, or simply add to the number involved to get the work done more quickly.

Even if we get to know your operations well enough to execute changes without runbooks, and we certainly hope to earn your trust that much, it's foolish to make operational changes without a runbook regardless.

Having years of experience in high-profile, mission-critical operations, we can even help get you started on how to approach writing runbooks per due critically.

Runbooks are kept in a shared and encrypted Git repository which you host for your greater control, convenience, and security. Why a Git repo.? Because runbooks are like code to program a person, and may need accompanied with code (e.g. Bash scripts) anyway.

Along with runbooks in the Git repository, iCalendar files are used to schedule the runbooks.